In the story, Touma Kamijou is an ordinary high school boy with terrible academic scores and a power called Imagine Breaker. Imagine Breaker can defeat any other power, but it also undermines Kamijou's own good luck. His Imagine Breaker's immense strength is literally immeasurable, so hapless Kamijou is listed at the supernatural level of 0. A complete list of the authors and writings present in the subsequent editions of the index are listed in J. Martinez de Bujanda, Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 1600–1966, Geneva, 2002. The Index includes entries for single or multiple works by an author, all works by an author in a given genre or dealing with a given topic. Accelerator Pwns Awaki - Toaru Majutsu no Index II [HD] - Duration: 2:32. CrUBlackNerd 5,058,519 views