Current market price of brent crude
CL.1 | A complete Crude Oil WTI (NYM $/bbl) Front Month futures overview by MarketWatch. View the futures and commodity market news, futures pricing and futures trading. Crude oil is the most important commodity and emerging industrial markets such as China, India and Latin America greatly influence the price of oil, since they require more and more oil to support WTI Crude: 31.73 +0.23 +0.73% (1 day Delay) (1 day Delay) Brent Crude: 35.44 +0.24 +0.68% (1 day Delay) (1 day Delay) Mars US: 28.28 +0.43 +1.54% (1 day Delay) (1 day Delay) Opec Basket: 33.25-2